Chapter 19. Filling a window
Adding a button
lets add a button to our sample program. In the constructor for the frame, we add:
new wxButton(this, wxID_YES);
This will create a new button. The parent window for the button will be the frame (this). The id will be wxID_OK which is the default ID for any OK button. the wxButton constructor has many more optional arguments:
wxButton(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& label = wxEmptyString, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = 0, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = "button")
The individual parameters are:
- parent
the parent window for the button. In this case, it is the current frame. In many cases, this can be a panel, a notebook, etc.
- id
the ID for the item. Connect this via your event table to call your functions. If you use default ids you will get default behavior.
- pos
the position of the item, given from the top-left corner of the parent. Use wxPoint(int x, int y) to create a point object.
- size
the size of the item. Use wxSize(int width, int height) to create a size object.
- style
extra style attributes. can be any combination of: wxBU_LEFT, wxBU_TOP, wxBU_RIGHT, wxBU_BOTTOM, wxBU_EXACTFIT, wxNO_BORDER joined with a logical or ( | ). Example:
- validator
a validator can be used to check input data and have input data automatically retrieved and stored in a variable. This is useless for buttons, but useful for text fields.
- name
a name for the control. Absolutely useless on modern systems. Leave the default value in there.
Please note: Even though we did not set the label, and it defaults to an empty string, the button will still display "Yes". This is because we use the default id for a "yes" button. On an international machine this will automatically translate into the language that is set, e.g. "Ja" on a German machine, "Si" on a Spanish one, etc.
Practice: Add a new button labeled "Bla" with the event id "ID_BLA". It should be at position 50,30 in the window, and have no border.
To connect a button, use the EVT_BUTTON in your event table:
EVT_BUTTON(wxID_YES, MyFrame::buttonPressed)