CS1411 - Programming Principles I, Fall 2005




  • Project 3 is posted.
  • Project 2 has been posted.
  • Review sessions for test 2 will probably be on monday, 7pm, tuesday 10am and 7pm, in room cs 201 (the room is subject to change)
  • The lab will be down this sunday (11-6) starting 10am for about 12 hrs.
  • The second exam will be on Wednesday, Nov 9, 7:30pm. If you can not make it, please send me an email.
  • MidTerm grades are posted in TechSIS.
  • Feedback on part I of the project can be found in WebCT
  • Your grades can be found in WebCT
  • The first exam will probably be on Wednesday, Oct 5, 7:30pm (a week later than what I said in class)
  • Office hours are Mo 11 - 12 and We 12 - 1 starting Sep 12, or anytime if you email me
  • The CS 1411 backup website is now online.
  • Attention: Some students have been moved from this class to a differnt section. Please check back with TechSIS.
  • This will be the webpage for the class. Information should appear here before the first day of class

Lab assigments


Programming examples

There are several examples for you to look at:

Notes that are not from the book


Software you may use:


  • to appear here


  • Will appear here

Programming projects

  • to appear here

Helpful references

The follwing pages may be of some help:

Book Resources


A sheet of paper is a standard letter size sheet of paper. Every sheet has two pages, a front and a back page. So two pages is either two sheets which have writing on one page each or one sheet which has writing on both pages.