CS3364 - Design and analysis of Algorithms, Summer I / 2004


  • Instructor: Dr. Hector J. Hernandez; hector@cs.ttu.edu
  • TA: Max Berger; max@berger.name
  • Office Hours: Tue, Thu, Fri 12-1, room 306j
  • Classroom: CP 204
  • Time: MTWTF: 10:00 - 11:50am
  • Course Objectives: After taking this course the student that successfully passes will:
    • have a solid understanding of what is an algorithm
    • get a good knowledge of the basic theory that is needed to mathematically analyze and compare (some basic) algorithms
  • Prerequisites: Proficient knowledge in at least one mayor imperative (Pascal, C, C++, C#) or object oriented (ObjC, C++, Java) programming language
  • Textbook: We'll be using Analysis of Algorithms, An Active Learning Approach, by Jeffrey J. McConnell, Jones and Barlett, 2001, ISBN: 0-7637-1634-0
  • Outline: As mentioned in TTU's catalog (page 249) this is a theoretical course. We will dicuss the basic concepts. We will put emphasis on the correctness of the algorithms discussed in class
  • Grading:
    Assignment 1, due06/1110%
    Test 106/1117.5%
    Assignment 2, due06/1810%
    Test 206/1817.5%
    Assignment 3, due06/2510%
    Test 306/2517.5%
    Final Assignment, due06/3017.5%
  • 90% guarantees an A, 80% guarantees a B, 70% guarantees a C. Grades may be curved if necessary.
  • Attendance policy: Attendance will be taken. It will not directly influence your grade, however it will be used if the grade is unclear (example: 89.5)
  • Late policy: If an assignment is not turned in on time and no arrangements are made (which includes a response from me) it will receive a 0.
  • There will be no make-up exams/assignments, no incomplete grades, and no extra credit work.