Calling Specific Base constructors
Sometimes when you write a constructor, you would like to pass some of the parameters to a base constructor.
class Person { private: Date *birthday; public: Person(Date *bd); };
class Student : public Student { private: School *attends; public: Student(Date *birth, School *sch); };
In this case, the "bd" parameter for the school constructor could just be passed on to the parent constructor. And we can do that by calling the parent constructor:
Student::Student(Date *birth, School *sch) : Person(birth) { this->school = sch; }
Pros and Cons:
Works only if we can put the parameters for the superconstructor within one expression
You don't have to provide a default constructor in your superclass
You can keep your attribute private
Note: If you're in multiple inheritance, you can call multiple superconstructors by separating them with a comma. E.g. : Person(birth), OtherConstructor(params).
Practice: Assume these two given class definitions. Implement both constructors, with one calling its superconstructor.
class Computer { private: int cpuSpeed; public: Computer(int cpuSpeed); };
class Laptop : public Computer { private: int batteryLife; public: Laptop(int cpuSpeed, int batteryLife); };
Computer::Computer(int cpuSpeed) { this->cpuSpeed = cpuSpeed; }
Laptop::Laptop(int cpuSpeed, int bl) : Computer(cpuSpeed) { batteryLife = bl; }