CS1411 - Introduction to Programming Principles I


Course objective

CS 1411 introduces the C++ language to establish a foundation in procedural computer programming and problem solving.

Announcements / Assignments

Announcements are posted on the class web page. Please check them frequently.

Class Hours

Section Activity Time Location
160 Lecture TR 12:30 - 1:50 pm MassComm 104
501 Lab T 11:00 - 12:20 PE 118
502 Lab W 2:00 - 3:20 PE 118
503 Lab R 9:30 - 10:50 PE 118
504 Lab R 11:00 - 12:20 PE 118

Attendance policy

Attendence in class will be checked every day. Attendence is not a certain percentage of the grade, but may be bring a grade down if to many classes are missed. It is the students own responsibility to aquire the material covered in classes she / he missed.

There will be pop quizzes which will count as 0 if not taken, unless you have a valid excuse. Proof (e.g. doctors note) may be required.

If, for any reason, you are absent on an exam / programming test date, you will have to notify the instructor on the same day at the latest. This can be done by a roomate, friend, parent, etc.

Lab policy

Lab attendance is required. If you cannot make it to the Lab you are registred for, you may go to a different Lab in the same week. Please do so only in exceptional cases.

The Lab assignments have to be done during the lab period in the Lab. The student may leave early if the assignments are completed.


Lecturer: Max Berger, max@berger.name, CS 306 J

Teaching Assistant: Yaoqin Jing

Lab Assistants: Yaoqin Jing, Adem Ozyavas

Office Hours:

Tue / Thu 10 - 11.

However, the best way to reach me is to schedule an appointment via email.



  • Absolute C++ by Walter Savitch, Addison Wesley, 2002. ISBN: 0-201-70927-9.


  • C++ Primer, 3rd edition, by S. Lippman. Addison Wesley, 1998. ISBN:0-201-82470-1
  • The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition), by Bjarne Stroustrup. Addison Wesley, 1997, ISBN: 0201889544

Textbook policy

If you can't find the mandatory text book at the book store please get it online. There will be tests over material in the text book that might not be covered in class!


Your programs will need to able to run under one of the following environments:

  • Visual Studio 6.0
  • Visual Studio .NET
  • XCode 1.2 with gcc 3.4

You may also need:

  • Winzip (or something similar) for submission
  • Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader for class notes

Please note that all of these are installed in the Lab. If you need them for you personal computer you can download the Microsoft software for free on eRaider

FilZip (a free ZIP program) can be downloaded at www.filzip.com.

Acrobat Reader can be found at www.adobe.com.

XCode (for Mac Users) can be found at Apples Developer Connection website.


Item Weight
Labs 10%
Programming exams (2) 10% each
MidTerm (1) 10%
Programming projects (2) 10% each
Notes 10%
Pop Quizzes 10%
Final 20%
Total 100%

Numeric to letter grades: 0-59: F, 60-69: D, 70-79: C, 80-89: B, 90-100: A. A higher grade may be given if students shows promise of success, A lower grade may be given if student shows lack of discipline (e.g. many missed classes).

Zero-Rule: Should any of the individual grade averages be zero (e.g. never turned in any notes) the student may (and most probably will) receive an F regardless of the total average!

Academic Conduct

The academic conduct applies, as stated in the "Statement of Academic Conduct for Engineering Students, College of Engineering, Texas Tech University". The most important fact: "If academic misconduct is determined by the instructor, a failing grade shall be assigned to either the assignment in question or to the course grade."