CS1411 - 160 - Programming Principles I, Spring 2005
Lab assignment 6
This weeks you will practice multi-dimensional arrays
Mandatory work
Your TA will check that you have done the following things (you may leave once their done) :
Print Array
Write a printArray function that takes an two-dimensional array of char and the size of both dimensions as parameter. Output this array as a matrix, and add character coordinates on top and bottom.
ABCDEF Axxxxxx Bxxxxxx Cxxxxxx Dxxxxxx Exxxxxx Fxxxxxx
(In this case the array was filled with all x's, and the sizes given were 6 and 6)
Hint: To output A for 0, B for 1, C for 2, etc. you can use the property that characters are just numbers as follows: (assuming i is of type int)
cout << ('A'+i);
Note: Safe your work, you'll need it for the programming project!
Main function
To test your printArray function, give a main function with declares an array, fills it with some usefull values, and then calls the print function to print it
Optional work
Some other things that you might try:
- Initialize the array with all spaces ' '.
- Randomly set a * somewhere into your array.
- Randomly set another * in the array, making sure it is not at the same position as the previous one.
- Can you do that with 5 *'s ?
Please check the labs page on how to get started. There are instructions for visual studio (use version 6) and XCode
Please give the Macs a try. If you simply cannot work with them, go to PE 119, but let your TA know.
Sample programs
have moved to the examples page
For help: ask your TA! He is here to help you!
If the instructions are unclear or you have any other questions, please email me