CS1411 - 160 - Programming Principles I, Spring 2005
Lab assignment 2
This weeks you will practice variables, typecasts and if-statements
Mandatory work
Your TA will check that you have done the following things (you may leave once their done) :
Program 1
Ask the users for two integer numbers (the range should be big enough to enter 1 mio). Store them in variables you call "a" and "b".
Calculate a / b (integer division) and store the result in an integer variable called "i"
Calculate the remainder of a/b (integer division) and store the results in an integer variable called "m" (hint: need modulo operator)
calculate a / b (floating point division) and store the result in a floating point variable called "f" (use static_cast)
Output i, m and f with some explaining text
Program 2
- Ask the user to input an age (whole number) and store it
- Ask the user to input how much money he has (floating point value) and store it
- If he's at least 21 and has more than $5.00 output Let's go out!
- If he's under 21, but has more than $7.00 output Let's go to a movie!
- If none of the above applies output Let's meet at my place
Please note: for "more than $5.00 / $7.00" you may use either > or >=
Optional work
Some other things that you might try:
- For program 1: Output a*b. Change all integer datatypes to short. Try some multiplications that go beyond the range (e.g. 50 * 1000)
- For program 2: Add some more options
Please check the labs page on how to get started. There are instructions for visual studio (use version 6) and XCode
Please give the Macs a try. If you simply cannot work with them, go to PE 119, but let your TA know.
Sample programs
have moved to the examples page
For help: ask your TA! He is here to help you!
If the instructions are unclear or you have any other questions, please email me