CS1411 - Programming Principles I, Fall 2004


Why do so many math majors confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Because Oct 31 is Dec 25


The syllabus is online


Important class announcements will be posted here. Please check back frequently.

  • Final results are now included in the gradeMatrix. I am still working on those, so don't worry if you have a blank in there
  • Final
  • Please check your grades on the Grade Matrix. It is very likely that some things are missing, please let me know. The last day to mail me grade corrections is Mon, Dec 13!
  • Please see the Notes on the final exam (Tue, Dec 14).
  • Please see the Notes on exam 2 (Mon, Oct 25).
  • Please see the Notes on exam 1 (Mon, Sep 27).
  • Submission has changed!!! Please visit the labs site
  • There will be no class on Mon, Sep 6 due to labor day.
  • The first lab session will be held on Sep 7
  • The submission guidlines for programming assignments are online.
  • The Help! page is now online


Please put your name and test number on every sheet of paper you pass in! Your testnumber can be found when you log into TechSIS

Reading & Note Taking

  • Read Chapter 1, take notes from section 1.2 to 1.5 (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Wed, Sep 8
  • Read Chapter 2.1, take notes (1 - 2 handwritten pages), due Mon, Sep 13
  • Read Chapter 2.2-2.3, take notes (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Mon, Sep 20
  • Read Chapter 5, take notes (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Mon, Oct 4
  • Read Chapter 6.1,9.1,9.2,9.3, take notes (3 - 6 handwritten pages), due Mon, Oct 11
  • Read Chapter 10,11 take notes (3 - 6 handwritten pages), due Mon, Oct 18
  • Read Chapter 16.1, 18.1 (up to Defining your own exception classes, p. 768), 18.2, take notes (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Mon, Nov 1.
  • Read Chapter 17 (omit classes), take notes (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Mon, Nov 8.
  • Read Chapter 13, take notes (2 - 4 handwritten pages), due Mon, Nov 15.

Lab / Programming

Quizzes / Exams


Please see the syllabus for final grade calculation

The letter grades you will get are: 90-100 guarantees at least an A, 80-89 guarantees at least a B, 70-79 guarantees at least a C. Grades may be curved (in your favor), but I will not make a decision about that until after the final

Every grade and late turned in assignment should be in there now. Please let me know if anything is missing.

The last day to mail me grade corrections is Mon, Dec 13!

Please make sure that the grades posted here are the same that you have on your records.

Sample Code

Please note: this code is untested and might not work


A sheet of paper is a standard letter size sheet of paper. Every sheet has two pages, a front and a back page. So two pages is either two sheets which have writing on one page each or one sheet which has writing on both pages.