
  • Define Code Conventions (Naming, spaces vs. tabs, etc.)

  • Re-use existing conventions!

  • Follow them!

  • Use tools to check them

Maven use:

  • Put in <reporting> section


Example 5. Example Checkstyle Maven Configuration

An example checkstyle.xml can be found at:

Checkstyle 4 vs 5

  • The checkstyle maven plugin until version 2.3 is based on checkstyle 4.

  • Current eclipse checkstyle plugins is based on checkstyle 5

  • both are incompatible (slight changes in checkstyle.xml)

Fix: Use newer checkstyle plugin. Problem: Not officially available yet! Must set plugin location!

Example 6. Example Checkstyle 5 Maven Configuration
      <name>Apache Snapshot repository</name>


Common Programming checks for code style.

Yes, all the standard rules make sense!

Plugins available for Eclipse, Netbeans, Maven

Example 7. PMD Configuration for Maven


Example 8. Findbugs Maven configuration


  • Non Commented Source Statements

  • Simplified: The number of ;

  • Better comparable than LOC (lines of code)

Example 9. NCSS Maven configuration