VI(M) and Emacs (Kate / gedit ) are only good for viewing and small edits!
Use a modern, IDE and use its features!
Since we use Maven for project management we can switch IDEs at any time.
It is important to always use the IDE which is fit for a particular task!
Get from Eclipse Homepage
Current: 3.5 SR 1
Summer: 3.6 or 4.0
You can import my bookmarks.xml
file into the eclipse update sites to get access to some frequently used
plugins (Go to Help/Software Updates / Manage Sites / Import).
Some important plugins:
Important settings:
Auto Refresh
Auto Update
Font: Use a font that clearly distinguished Zero from Oh (0,O), one from el (1,l). Good example: Consolas (Win Vista), Andale Mono (Win XP/2k), DejaVu Sans Mono (Unix).
Important Features:
Code Cleanup
Organize imports
All theses should be configured
Per Project
Automatically on save!
Additional plugins which may be of interest:
Jigloo GUI Builder
Get from NetBeans homepage
Current: 6.7.1
Summer: 6.8 or 7.0
Important Features
GUI Builder
Built-in Maven support (since 6.7)
Built-in support for Maven
Released as open source 16. Oct!
Very good code inspection and refactoring features
No experience yet