Test Number ptest01
printFancy dwi loopFromTo math gramsToPounds largestElement
  score memo   score memo   score memo   score memo   score memo   score memo
708746893 32 16 16 0 the implementation is not required 0 1. no return value 2.the implementation is not required 0 undo 0 undo
721729394 0
890924978 48 13 in one statement 13 no user input ,using the formal parameter 0 undo 8 1. no user input 2. cout<<a+b<<; is not right. 3. no return value 14 no user input 0 undo
374864983 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
743667151 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
781514057 49 16 13 1. 0.01 < percent < 0.08 no such expression.  6 1. loopFromTo [4]: no type. 2. the implementation is not required 0 1. the return type does not match.2.the implememtation is not required 14 1.weight/454 instead of weight*454 0 1. the for statements are not right.2.a[size] for what. 3. the implementation is not required.
772228205 39 16 16 0 undo 7 1. the parameter does not need redeclare.2.based on the o to choose operation and not require the user input again 3. no return value 0 undo 0 undo
678440828 74 13 1. in one statement. 16 14 1. for (i=from;i<to;i++)  14 1. based on the parameter o to decide which operation choose 17 0 you found the largest element.
136944185 26 13 1.in one statement 13 1. use formal parameter  0 the implementation is not required 0 the implemation is not required 0 the implementation is not required 0 undo
46842597 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
797644820 54 16 16 0 the implementation is not required 11 1. no user input 2. based on o to choose operation 11 1.no return value 2.weight = weight/454.0; instead of w = weight/454.0;  0 you found the largest element
820823230 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
440629274 0
274640151 91 16 16 17 17 14 1/454 will be 0  11 1.the return type doesnot match.2.the range of index should be 0-9
643926264 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
963525279 80 16 13 && instead of & 17 17 17 0 you found the largest element
291920226 81 14 1. \n instead of \v 16 17 17 17 0 undo
354557985 40 16 10 1. Do not need user input 2. && instead of || 14 1. no user input just based on formal paramter value 0 the implementation is not required 0 1.no user input. 2. use weight/454 3. the implementation is not required 0 1.no user input 2.the implementation is not required
341620989 49 16 16 0 unfinished 0 1.based on o to choose operation 2. the implementation is not required 17 0 the implementation is not required
586045150 70 16 16 13 1. in int a[to],to should be a constant instead of variable. 2. missing the ; in for statement  8 1. missing { for function.2 using Add and mutiply instead 'Add' and 'Multiply' 3. ' ' is for character 17 0 undo
676645124 60 16 16 17 11 1.o=a+b the type mismatches. 2. no return value 0 undo 0 undo
161622281 0
94352985 49 16 7 1.the logic is not correct.2. >(<) 3. || (&&) 8 1. the logic in not correct. 2. || (&&) 3. missing {} in while statement 0 1. the return type mismatches. 2. the implementation is not required 7 1.parameter does not need redeclare  in the function 2. implementation is not right 11 1.missing the {} in the while.2. the 2nd element is not compared.3.two main functions in the program 
999043859 80 16 16 17 14 based on o to choose operations 17 0 unfinished
879744128 63 16 16 17 14 1. switch(o) instead of switch(math) .2. return value 0 undo 0 undo
304156914 100 16 16 17 17 17 17
829325238 100 16 16 17 17 17 17