1) were you present in this class (Yes or No answer) 2) Exceptions are best used for A) Return values B) Jumping out of loops C) Error handling D) Java Programs Answer: C 3) What will be the output of the following code fragment? (Two numbers) int i; try { for (int i=0;i<100;i++) if (i>=23) throw 42; } catch (int j) { cout << i << " " << j; } Answer: 23 42 4) Templates are used for a) generic structs b) generic functions c) generic algorithms d) all of the above Answer: d 5) in the template prefix template what kind of variable is T? a) T must be a class b) T must not be a class c) T can be any type built into C++ d) T can be any type, built in or user defined Answer: d