{ int i = 5; int *j, *k; i++; j = &i; cout << *j << endl; (*j)++; cout << i << endl; j = new int[3]; j[0] = 4; j[1] = j[0]+2; j[2] = j[1]-1; cout << j << endl; k = j; k++; cout << *k << endl; delete[] j; k++; cout << *k << endl; } a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 e) 4 5 6 f) a memory address g) the program crashes or something undefined happens 1) What is printed by the first cout statement? 6 - C 2) What is printed by the second cout statement? 7 - D 3) What is printed by the third cout statement? a memory address - F 4) What is printed by the fourth cout statement? 6 - C 5) What is printed by the fifth cout statement? something strange - G